Whitening Options for Improving Your Teeth

Did you know your smile is one of the first things people notice about you? Yes, it’s true! If you think about it, a smile can say a lot about a person. That is why people are turning to cosmetic dentistry now more than ever before. One of the most common treatments includes teeth-whitening treatments that can brighten up your... read more »

Dentistry Has Come a Long Way

One of earliest discoveries in dentistry was when archeologists discovered a 14,000-year-old ancient tooth that contained remnants of a dental cleaning with flint tools due to an infection. With this finding, it led scientists to believe that the dental profession may be much older than we originally thought. As of today, the first written text we have that mentions dentistry... read more »

Toothpaste Can Help Clean and Strengthen Your Teeth

The American Dental Association recommends that you brush your teeth twice each day. Along with flossing at least once each, it forms the foundation of an effective and consistent daily oral hygiene routine. Applying a small amount of toothpaste to your soft-bristled toothbrush helps make it more effective for cleaning the faces of your teeth. At the same time, toothpaste... read more »

The Best Toothpaste for Your Child’s Smile

If you’re looking for the right toothpaste for your child, it’s important to look for certain characteristics and ingredients. That way you can be sure that your child is cleaning their smile with the proper and effective paste they need to have healthy and strong teeth. Fortunately, our dentist, Dr. Macon Sapp, has the tips you need to help you... read more »

Are Sensitive Teeth Hiding Your Smile?

If you experience a brief, sharp burst of pain when you consume hot, cold, acidic or sticky food, you may have tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity happens when the layer of dentin which lies beneath the enamel and has microscopic tubules filled with nerve endings that are sensitive to pain—may be expose. Dentin becomes exposed when the tooth enamel—which is the... read more »

When Should You Brush?

You know that you should brush your teeth every day, but do you know when the best time to brush is? Or how often you should brush? Similarly, do you ever wonder if you should brush or floss first? Today, our team at H.T. Macon Sapp, DDS is happy to address questions like these. For instance, most dentists suggest that... read more »