Flossing Is an Important Element of Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

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The American Dental Association offers several recommendations for maintaining good oral hygiene and maintaining oral health. This starts with an effective daily oral hygiene routine, founded on brushing your teeth twice each day and flossing in the evening. It’s generally best to floss after you’re done eating for the day to ensure your mouth is fully clean before going to bed.

Of course, there are multiple variations in dental floss. Finding the one that meets your needs and personal preference can help keep you or your family members encouraged to floss each day.

Many brands of dental floss are made from either extruded monofilament plastic or micro-braided nylon strands. Monofilament floss is available in varying thicknesses. This can be beneficial for someone with widely-spaced or tightly spaced teeth. On the other end of the spectrum, nylon floss can be micro-braided into various widths like dental tape.

Unwaxed dental floss is little more than a plain strand of monofilament or braided nylon that has not had a waxy coating applied. While some manufacturers will apply added flavors to unwaxed nylon floss, most opt to offer it plain.

Waxed dental floss has a special waxy coating applied to the strand. This helps the strand slip into tight places, making it preferable for people with tight fitting teeth or braces. The wax can also be treated with flavor additives such as mint.

Both of these variations of floss have been found to be equally effective at removing residual food particles and plaque from between teeth and the gum line. At the end of the day, it truly is a matter of personal preference.

If you live in the Durham, North Carolina area and you have oral hygiene concerns, you should call 919-489-9171 to set up an appointment with Dr. Macon Sapp.