A Bridge Just Far Enough

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Life with a missing tooth can be uncomfortable. Chewing can be difficult, speaking can be inconvenient, and smiling can be, well, embarrassing. Discomfort notwithstanding, some people are hesitant to seek treatment, especially if their tooth has been missing for a while. They may feel used to it, and worry that treatment will be more painful than beneficial. Understanding how bridges work will help you understand the importance of treatment.

A dental bridge is an appliance that “bridges” the gap formed when one or more teeth are not present. Bridges can be placed in the upper or lower jaw and can replace teeth lost to disease or injury. Bridges consist of crowns that cover existing teeth in order to support the false “pontic” teeth that replace lost ones. To make room for the crowns, the existing “abutment” teeth must be recontoured, a process in which enamel is removed. The bridge is fabricated at a dental lab, based on impressions taken of your own teeth.

Once it is ready, the bridge is installed, adjusted, and fitted, a process which can take some time. After a proper fit is achieved, the bridge is cemented into place. While initially an adjustment for many people, having a full set of teeth again makes eating and speaking much easier. Bridges also maintain the shape of your face and prevent other teeth from drifting out of place. And of course, your smile is fully restored.

A dental bridge can be just the right thing to give you a full life again. Call our Durham, NC, office for an appointment at Durham Dentistry. Your smile doesn’t have to wait any longer.